Friday, July 10, 2009

Stop. Drop. Wait.

"Be more quiet now and wait for the voice to say, 'be more quiet now and wait for the voice to say...'"
-David Crowder

When was the last time you were quiet? When was the last time you waited and, more importantly, waited with patience? Maybe you should try it more often. Maybe it shouldn't be a maybe and maybe you should do it.

Stop thinking about tomorrow. Stop thinking about the things that are bothering you. Just stop it. Drop it. And wait on God. Give God the attention He deserves and the attention He desires from you! Yeah. I said it. God desires your attention.

What good are you worrying and impatience going to do you anyway? They'll just leave you with a headache. Don't rush. Don't sit and wait for 5 minutes and be done. Learn to quiet your mind and quiet your heart. Take every thought captive to the obedience of Christ (2 Cor. 10:5).

Do you want to be a true worshipper? Do you want to have a strong relationship with your Creator? Turn your brain off to everything else and focus on Him. Put your hope and faith in Him.

Be here now. Be here in His presence. Sometimes you'll have to wait to feel it. Don't let that stop you. Be where you are, where you are. God is there. God is here. Open your eyes to Him in THIS moment. Right here. Right now. Even when your world is upside-down, find your peace and center in Christ. That will only happen when you take the time to find Him.

I'll leave you with a quote. Elisabeth Elliot said this:
"The life of faith is lived one day at a time, and it has to be lived- not always looking forward as though the 'real' living were around the next corner. It is today for which we are responsible. God still owns tomorrow."